GameCheater is an application written for the Windows 95/98/2000 environment. You don't need to have any experience in coding or advanced debugging like many other attempts at making a game trainer. This is an easy to use, realistic program made for the common gamer who doesn't want to spend time learning to hack but wants to have a little more fun in their games.
GameCheater allows you to search for the memory-addresses where your favorite game stores its properties (like money, energy, lives, timers, extras, inventory items or ammo). GameCheater gives you access to these found addresses, so you can change or lock (make it unlimited) the value of these addresses.
his tool is very convenient & easy to use. It's main feature is Direct Hotkeys which used to execute program's functions and change game variables directly from the game you are playing, without any task switching. For example, pressing Ctrl A (or another hot key you set) during Quake3:Arena deathmatch will give you 100% health again (or full ammo, or lot of minerals for Starcraft or something else... It's your's choice only! ;)
Hotkeys are used to execute program's functions directly from the game you are playing, without any task switching, making GameCheater much more convenient than programs like GameHack or Cheat'O Matic.
GameCheater works with all kind of games: you can search in MS-DOS-, Windows 3.x-and in Windows 95/98/2000 games (you just need to be able to start the game in Windows 95/98/2000). more